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Chapada Diamantina

Chapada Diamantina, Brazil’s lost world

The Chapada Diamantina, located in Bahia, is one of the richest and richest Brazilian destinations in terms of natural wealth, and it has a unique and quite different scenery from any landscape we see in other cities of this state and even in the country. In an extensive area of seventy thousand square kilometers that reaches 24 municipalities in Bahia, this exuberant National Park has hundreds of beauties and charms that will impress even the most skeptical traveler – they are immense rock formations, imposing waterfalls, extremely crystalline water wells, caves and caves, its own semiarid pantanal, a diverse flora and fauna, scenic trails and several other attractions. In fact, there are so many things to do and know that it would take at least a month to fully explore the region.

As the Chapada Diamantina is one of the largest poles of ecotourism in the whole country, the destination is on the list of many travelers, especially adventurers and nature lovers. We have gathered some important information so that you can enjoy all the tours according to the season in which you intend to travel to the Chapada.

So, the question we’ve always heard: After all, when to go to Chapada Diamantina?
First of all, there is not a bad time to travel to Chapada Diamantina – and we are not exaggerating! Temperatures remain mild throughout the year, varying between 20ºC and 30ºC, but the seasons change from the dry period (in the colder months) and rainy (in the warmer months). However, this does not mean that one is better than the other, because everything will depend on what attractions you would like to know during the duration of your trip – for example, waterfalls and natural pools will be much warmer in the rainy season; already the dry season is ideal for those who want to explore the trails.

Therefore, it is essential that you know what tours will do to know the best date to travel. For example, Cachoeira da Fumaça is one of the most famous and impressive attractions of the Chapada Diamantina, but to get to know it in all its splendor, it is recommended to go during the rainy season, which runs from November to March, since it can dry in other periods of the year. But do not worry about the rains, because they are not intense – until the level of precipitation in São Paulo is 20% higher than that of the Chapada.

The Chapada Diamantina National Park, established in 1985, is located in the State of Bahia. The Park covers an area of 152,000 hectares in a dozen municipalities, being one of the largest Brazilian national parks outside the Amazon region. Located in the heart of Bahia, Chapada Diamantina is considered an oasis right in the middle of Sertão, with mild temperatures and everal river springs. The region was drawn over billions of years, when the rains, winds and rivers have carved the rocks, creating valleys and mountains. The park still does not have visitation control, but one can visit it from many locations, especially from Lençóis, Vale do Capão, Mucugê, and Andaraí. Access to its attractions, most often, is performed by hiking.

With a rich architecture and a high number of Listed building by the Historical and Artistic Institute (IPHAN), the place is a haven for cultural exchange between locals and tourists. The mining period left its legacy, giving feeling, taste and identity to the Chapada. The great object of protecting this area is the conservation of its river springs, highlighting the Paraguaçu river, responsible for supplying 60% of the population of Salvador. The park also safeguards a genetic bank important for scientific research and conservation of biodiversity. Every year, at least four or five new species of endemic plants and three species of animals are discovered in the region.

When to go

Some municipalities like Piata, which has the highest peak in the Brazilian northeast region, and Mucugê, reach temperatures up to 10°C in winter. Lençóis and Palmeiras receive most part of the rainfall from February to June, with low temperatures overnight. However, the sunscreen is essential, even on cloudy days. In the winter, the sun reigns and temperatures are around 25°C/ 30°C. The semi-arid climate – with sunshine throughout the year and few periods of rain – helps the traveler to elect the time that is more convenient.

Getting there

Due to the size of its territory and the existing large distances between the main natural attractions and tourist towns, planing a trip to Chapada Diamantina requires special attention.
PLANE: The Horacio de Matos airport, in the municipality of Lençóis, receives regular flights from Salvador and from Belo Horizonte (Confins) and is 20km from the city downtown, on the BR-242 highway.
BUS: The main bus routes leave from Salvador bound for Lençóis and Palmeiras (Real Expresso company); and Andaraí, Ibicoara, and Mucugê (Águia Branca).
CAR: The main route leaving from Salvador is through the BR-324 highway to the city of Feira de Santana, taking the BR-116 highway to the city of Argoim and then the BR-242 highway to the city of Lençóis.


The main tourist infrastructure is installed in the cities of Lençóis, Mucugê, Andaraí, Ibicoara, Palmas, and Rio de Contas, and in the villages of Igatu and Vale do Capão. The best option is to choose one of these locations to stay and, from there, organize the visitation to the attractions. It is not recommended to rely on intercity transport for moving from one city to another, as they have no regular schedule. The best option is to hire a transfer, rent a car or close a package with an tourism agency.


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